Monday, July 6, 2009

Focus on the here and now...

"Look to this day, for yesterday is but a dream and tomorrow only a vision. But today well lived makes every yesterday a dream of happiness and every tomorrow a vision of hope." - Sanskrit

With all of the stresses of life, it's good to remember that we cannot change the past nor predict the future. The only thing we can affect is the moment in which we are currently living. If we follow this mindset, personal peace, happiness, and hope will be the result. This certainly rings true with me in dealing with my current piriformis/ITB issues. Concerns of family, work, the economy, etc. can be a mental weight that prevents me from stretching, icing, and doing all that is necessary to take care of myself. By letting go of that which I cannot immediately address, the mind is able to focus of that which is present. Taking care of yourself and living in the moment, in turn, opens the door to freely address the other issues of life as they move from the periphery to become front and center. One thing at a time, one day at a time...